A review by nicktomjoe
The Book of the Raven: Corvids in Art and Legend by Angus Hyland, Caroline Roberts


A celebration? An anthology? This is a marvellous little book, something to read at a a rush or to take a section at a time or to dip into. Beautiful artwork from C18th English woodcuts to C19th Japanese paintings and much more recent photographs of ravens and other corvids are at the heart of this collection, and there are one-liners from Ted Hughes as well as the whole of Poe’s Raven. This offers all sorts of brief insights into all sorts of corvids, focussing most on the Raven. Perhaps five stars because of its glorious subjects, perhaps the edge taken off it because the small-print credits could (should) have been a bibliography for further exploration... No, it gets five stars because of its lyrical pattern of image and text, crows in flight and at rest, funny crows, solemn crows, menacing crows. I love it!