A review by kailafitz
Falling Away by Penelope Douglas


The long awaited story of Jax and K.C.!!

So unfortunately, I never like K.C. which did not help at all so my overall feelings aren't great on this novel in the series but still it was nice to see the gang back together.

"Be. Wild. Got it?"

So K.C. is back in town for community service. K.C. who abided by the rules. Who was clean.
But now she wants to lose control. She wants shake herself this summer.
She gets lucky with helping out at her old high school and sets herself up in Tate's house which is vacant due to everyone being away at college and such. K.C. finds herself missing her friends and the group she was never really in, though she knows that she has done things in the past that she's not proud of.

In this novel, we see K.C. 's family history, the truth behind her facade in public. We see how her life has been at home, the name she's had to take and the role she's had to fill. With only her mother at home down the street, even she doesn't want K.C, with this too bold of an attitude that's 'unclean'. Not that she was ever wanting of her anyway from the way she acts towards her, abandoning her.

Then again, of course there's Jax dirtying her up.

"I had come along way from that scared kid. I never wanted to be weak or surprised in any relationship or situation, and so I'd assumed absolute control over everything in my life."

Jaxon Trent came late into the scene in the earlier books but here we see him in his prime. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows everything he needs to know and if he wants something, he can get it.

With K.C., we get hints that from very early on in the series, that there was attraction from the beginning but that was when he was a cocky little kid and she had been struggling with Liam.

Now however, everything's changed. Now that he's by himself in Jared's old house, remodeled to his style, Jax is under control and he likes it like that. Having K.C. next door just adds to the fun of the Summer ahead. There's always been something about her, but Jax isn't the type to sleep around. He's smart and he thinks things through and knows what he's doing.

Or so everyone thinks, including himself until she really gets under his skin and unravels the guise of a scared kid.

"Why did my heart have to fall for him so quickly?"

Jax isn't in this for long term, but he doesn't want to lose her.
She loves him but she can't understand how it happened.

But she knows she does, and he can't lose control. Not like this.

"It took me a long time to see it, but do you really have any idea what the fuck you're doing, do you, Jax?" Jared

I did enjoy this book but I couldn't connect with it unfortunately. I didn't really see the story, there was a lot of sex jumping in everywhere and I wasn't sure when it was meaning something and when it wasn't.
Like I mentioned earlier, K.C.'s character I wasn't fond of from the beginning of the series so I still didn't like her here at all to be horribly honest. Jax was a great character! He was different in some ways in that he didn't sleep around in an animal like way and I liked how he was kinda dirty with K.C., when they had their first time together. We see how imperfect it is and even he knows that which made it quite realistic.
I was looking forward to this sooo much but I didn't enjoy it as much as Bully. But at the same time, when I step back, it was good, only it was me that didn't really get it, but I still loved the writing of the author!