A review by momwithareadingproblem
Obsessive by Isobel Irons


What did you do to my Grant Blue?!?!

Obsessive by [a:Isobel Irons|7389142|Isobel Irons|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1390338013p2/7389142.jpg] is book two of her Issues series and picks up not to long after Promiscuous left off. Unlike the last story which is told entirely from Tash's POV, this one is told by her Mr. Perfect, Grant Blue.
I'm not perfect. I'm a walking malfunction. And more than anything, I'm scared. All the time. I'm scared to let Tash find out just how perfect I'm not, because then something bad will happen. -Grant
I knew from reading book one of this series there was more to Grant than Tash realized and even towards the end when he admitted to having OCD (obsessive compulsion disorder) I still wasn't sure just how bad it would be. Let's just say that in this book, Grant struggles and struggles until he just can't anymore. My heart literally broke over and over again every time he tried to break his compulsions and rituals.

And it wasn't just that my heart broke because he fought it so hard, it was because he punished himself.
I'm not even sure if I'll ever be able to live away from home, or go to school, or hold down a job, or get married. Or anything normal people are supposed to grow up and do. Because I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about all the bad things that might happen if I try.
He truly believed that if he didn't do something then it would cause harm to those he loved. Ugh! Just writing that makes my heart break again!!

I loved the character growth in this book for Grant. We see at the beginning a boy who's only wish is to be normal and he grows to a man who can accept his disorder for what it is. Beautifully written and very realistic. I empathized with Grant so much. As I read I felt like I was living in his shoes for just a brief moment and how hard it was for him to always be "Mr. Perfect", not just for Tash but his parents, his sisters, and everyone around him.

I loved the relationship dynamics in this book as well. Tash's insecurities are still present, but we get a chance to see Grant's as well. Their relationship grows in this book and I just can't get enough of either of them (Please tell me there's going to be more from these two!) I also loved Gen, Grant's baby sister. She has such a hero-worship going on with her big brother that it's adorable!

Hats off to Miss Irons for once again hooking me into a plot! I read this book in one sitting, unable to tear myself away for any reason. Watching Grant as he literally hits rock bottom was an emotional roller coaster for me. If you enjoy realistic, coming-of-age stories then please do yourself a favor and pick up this book/series. You will not be disappointed! Looking forward to Margot's story!

I received an ARC of this ebook from the author in exchange for an honest review.