A review by jbrooxd
Fresh Brewed Murder by Emmeline Duncan


[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

4.5 stars = I loved it! Would re-read.

This was fantastic! There are tons of coffee-related tidbits that I found interesting. (I didn't follow a lot of them, but they didn't intrude on the story. And I didn't have to understand all of the intricate details in order to enjoy the book.)

I loved the characters in this, and the solution caught me off guard, which was a nice surprise. My favorite part of this was the way the author created a great mystery that ALSO served to reveal pieces of Sage's backstory. It was a brilliant way to help the reader get to know the character without doing an info dump AND it made the mystery and Sage's sleuthing all the more interesting. I will definitely be sticking with this series!