A review by multipletrees
Operation Hail Storm by Brett Arquette

Did not finish book.
the author was "kind" enough to send me an unsolicited goodreads message offering me a free copy of this book because i "enjoyed reading Ursula_K Le_Guin's novels" and "reviewers have compared it to Ursula_K Le_Guin imagination." the book description he provided sounded like "shitty iron man can't even pilot his own robots; hires gamers" which makes the use of Le Guin's name make zero sense. dude can't even consider audience when picking who to use for his spam targeting.

i did read some of the book so that i would feel okay leaving a review. it's mostly just kind of dumb, though when we finally get some emotion from the main character it jumps off the ~drama~ cliff oh my god it was so over the top.

the author likes to infodump about everything from technology to backstories. five percent into the book (i only read to 10%) you should be telling me something important about the plot or the world, not describing a railgun or boat amenities, and definitely not the whole (improbably stupid) backstory of a presumably minor character. overall just poorly written.

another reviewer points out that he may have plagarized. i would be inclined to agree. a section very early in the book described how eagles fly:
"Eagles fly into thermals, using them to conserve energy while migrating or looking for prey.  Once inside the thermal, they stop flapping but keep their wings extended. Their tail feathers open like fans and tapered feathers on the wing’s edges spread apart; both actions enhance airflow. Without flapping its wings, an eagle will slowly descend, but inside the thermal, the rate of descent is slower as the lighter hotter air pushes up vertically."
when you google this sections, this page has this text under the section "Using Thermals"