A review by jessweitzel
The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education by Diane Ravitch


This book gave me a very good perspective on the evolution of educational testing and its side effects due to NCLB and related policy changes. Ravitch backs up her points through empirical research (which she clearly understands and can debate) as well as case studies. The thing that will stay with me the most from this book is the frightening lack of emphasis in our current school system on subjects other than math and English. As an evaluation consultant, I hear "how do you measure progress?" all the time. I usually have an answer, but Ravitch points out that measuring the effectiveness of teachers cannot come down to just scores on standardized tests. Her arguments are persuasive, and the trends she points out are continuing. I don't have any better answers, but I am likely to keep her points in mind for many years to come.