A review by readingwithcake
The Light of All That Falls by James Islington


The Licanius Trilogy is hands down the best trilogy I have read. Fantasy lovers are absolutely sleeping on these books and I implore everyone to read them! This epic fantasy trilogy is like if Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan had a baby and that baby grew up to be like his parents but superior in every literary way (I am a big fan of these two authors haha see bio). I sobbed once finishing this trilogy, haven’t had a book impact like this in a long time. Andarra, Caedan, Davian, Wirr and Asha will always hold a special place in my heart.

The trilogy got better with each book, I honestly didn’t think book three could get any better until I got to the end, the best ending!! Having deep dived onto reddit threads and read that James knew how it would end from the get go completely blows my mind. The plot development and execution are masterful in each book, but Light really smashed all my expectations. I still cannot believe that these were debut works. Islington self published book one, Shadow, back in 2014 and it sold over 100 000 copies within a year, this insane success resulted in the trilogy being picked up and traditionally published in 2016. For book one to do so well yonks before Tik Tok revolutionised the self published book world is a testament to how truly unique and wonderfully written these books are.

The books (in my humble opinion) include the best of the best in regards to:

- [ ] Faultless time travel- it builds and gets better with each book.
- [ ] Crème de la crème of redemption arcs- the journey I went on!
- [ ] Loveable characters- Caedan and Davian