A review by thebacklistborrower
Anthem by Ayn Rand


It is a very short read(I read it in a day), but I thought it very effective and thought-provoking. Ayn made every word count. I felt the use of the word “we” to refer to singular people particularly jarring, mostly because although “we” as a subject was used singularly, but other parts of speech referring to an individual could be singular. It meant you always heard it, and always was bothered by it. As a reader, this just made the theme of the story, the importance of individuality, ego, and “I” all the more obvious. I’d also like to mention that thanks to JRR Tolkien, it reminded me of Gollom, giving the usage a rather sinister, negative tone.

Full review: http://lordofgallifrey.livejournal.com/6258.html