A review by the_novel_approach
Gambling Men by Amy Lane


Every so often a book comes out that is absolutely perfect for me. It hits all my best buttons, and I have a heck of a time letting it go once I’m done reading it.
Gambling Men is one of those books and now that it’s out in audio, I’m in audiobook heaven!

As the blurb states, Quent and Jace have been friends for over eight years, since the first day they met, but it takes a blush from Quent for Jace to realize that it’s time to make his move. I don’t know much about poker, but I loved how these two took their relationship to the next level. Jace may be a hardnose businessman, but when it comes to Quent, there’s a vulnerable side to him that just melts your heart. And Quent… One might think he’s a bit of a pushover when it comes to what Jace wants, but he’s surprisingly solid in character—solid enough that one gets the impression he is Jace’s anchor, and helps ground him and shows his softer side. This really comes out after the parasailing incident.

Our very own Lisa did an earlier review of Gambling Men when it first came out and OMG, she’s right, what a clever way to play Go Fish! I had the biggest grin on my face while listening to this scene.

I absolutely love this story, and Gomez Pugh just enchanted me with his performance. I loved how relax and easy going his narration was. His voice characterizations were perfect, and last but not least, when it came to the more sensual parts of the story…I was like…WOW, what a performance!

Reviewed by Kim for The Novel Approach Reviews