A review by kailafitz
Lovely Vicious by Sara Wolf


The synopsis for this book, I feel, gives off a completely different vibe than what I got from the book.

Synopsis: Game, Bring It On, Annoying teasing and same petty crap, Mr.Typical-Arrogant-Hot-Boy, Miss.Angsty-Messed-Up-Girl.

What I felt: Pain, Suffering, More Pain, Mr.Dark-and-Broody-cause-of-serious-s**t, Miss.Messed-up-cause-of-serious-s**t-but-awesome, death, guilt, loss, secrets....just oh. my. god. It's a roller coaster of crap. Seriously.

The synopsis. Pfffffffffft.

This romance series blew me away I finished the whole trilogy in a weekend.

“You’re drunk.”

“Yeah, and you’re ugly, but do I complain about it? No! Because I don’t complain about things that I can’t change. That’s called intelligence.”

Where to start. Well. Isis Blake has changed a lot ever since that incident. She moves to Ohio with her mom and moves into a sh***y little house. She's strong-willed, stubborn, witty and I really liked her. Her mom is quite unstable from a bad relationship from which they had to run away from, so Isis has had to step in and take care of herself and her mom. She's learned a lot and doesn't plan on falling for anyone. Not after what happened.

“She was probably a trusting, naive girl before him, like a daisy. And then he came, and pulled her petals off one by one, forcing her to surround herself with thorns to survive.”

Jack Hunter. Dark 'Ice Prince'. The way he clashes with Isis just sets him off and he comes closer and closer to see Isis as someone different. He's cool, distant and quite a mystery. The more Isis pushes him, she starts to piece together that something quite bigger than she realises has happened between all her friends.

“You were the one who shouted ‘sex’!” He hisses.

“You were the one who was born, so really I think that’s the root of the problem.”

So I guess, Yes, it does become a game between them as they try and get back at each other. But between Isis and her problems and Jack and his own problems, holy frigging s**t this book was intense.

Isis is trying to get over her demons, taking care of her mom and tackling Jack Hunter.
Jack is trying to repay what happened that night harboring secrets and guilt and tackling Isis Blake.

Eventually they do try and just when they're starting to find something in each other, an incident leaves Isis Blake forgetting that Jack Hunter ever existed after he saves her life.

And it actually stops there.
Holy. Frigging. S**t.

“Living is really weird. You never get used to it. But it happens anyway. And sometimes you find things that make it a little more comfortable, and you try to hold on to those things, and the tighter you hold, the faster they slip away.”

So yeah, this book was a game from the romance side. They do go to certain lengths to get back at each other. But this game was not the only thing happening in this book. Inclining that this book was also lot more than just romance. Because the more involved they got, the more complicated things got with the burdens both of them are carrying.

To be honest, because I read all 3 books together, it's a bit of a jumble what happened when. But I can tell you that this series has you wanting to keep going as you delve deeper into their stories, and at the END, you will see.

It was so good though you didn't mind even though you wanted.....so badly.

I really loved this book, I was intrigued, Isis was just an awesome character with the stuff she says sometimes and her ability to handle all that's going on around her.
It also switched povs to Jack every now and then, only for short excerpt, and we got this little insight into his thoughts which we were dying for but you just didn't know it until he says something and you're like KSHUCKSHDNCLSCNH.

“Sometimes, we can’t do the things we want to do for ourselves. Sometimes we wait for someone else to do them. You can’t always wait like that. You have to seek out change on your own.”

The plot was totally what I was not expecting and it made me feel for this romance book and the characters so much like I haven't felt like this about a romance book in a long time. I was so drawn in by everything that was happening and I didn't know and never bloody found out (until the next books) all the mystery and what really went down that has all these characters twisted around each other in a warped freaky secret.

I know I'm jumbling a lot of feels between all 3 of the books, but it's just an emotional roller coaster.