A review by moth_meg
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab


I have so much love in my heart for this series and for [a:V.E. Schwab|7168230|V.E. Schwab|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1511218938p2/7168230.jpg]. I love all of my babies (I mean... the characters...) and I feel like this is exactly the climactic and powerful ending they deserved. I think that Schwab made a good choice to end the arc here- I'll be thinking about this story and these characters for a while, but I do feel like I got the closure I needed.
SpoilerIt does physically hurt my heart that Kell is left (permanently??) unable to use magic without pain because he deserves the world, but I can still be happy knowing that he has his freedom
Although bittersweet, I think Schwab broke my heart just enough to stay true to the darker tone of the series while still delivering a satisfying conclusion.