A review by books_and_tea_brie
The Grand Design by Leonard Mlodinow, Stephen Hawking


In this book Hawking gives his reasons on why he believes M-theory will turn out to be the notorious Theory of Everything, and he also describes how science can explain everything from how the universe works to how it began without invoking a creator (i.e. God).

As always, Hawking does a good job of bringing most of these very difficult concepts in physics down to our level (by that I mean non-physicists). Although he didn't succed with all of them this time, at least for me. He touches on how all the forces work, and the attempt to unify them into the Theory of Everything. He also talks about the quantum world and how it plays by an entirely different set of rules than what we encounter in our everyday lives. But the heart of the book is The Grand Design of the Universe and how/why it came to be that way.

I'm glad I read it, though I wouldn't read it again. If you're looking to start reading something by Stephen Hawking, I would still recommend [b:A Briefer History of Time|2094|A Briefer History of Time|Stephen Hawking|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1320449887s/2094.jpg|16552333].