Honestly in this book even what they did is wrong they definitely didn't deserve this ending. Especially Lochan didn't deserve what he got at the end, I mean he was really trying for everyone in their family and he had such big burden on his back by having to parent three younger siblings all the while he had mental health problems. I don't know this book just left me feeling sad at the end, because kids had to pay for consequences of their parents (Lochan sacrifes himself, other siblings lose brother). at the end Lochan had to take his life to protect them while their mother lived and just continued her life while his was just starting so I just think he really didn't deserve that. Like I said even it was wrong their relationship I kinda get why they felt more like lovers than siblings, they never had parents, role models, they only had themselves and acted like parents so they really didn't know better and I blame parents, adults for that.