A review by marelles
Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh


Ok so... incoming rant about how one unnecessary line ruined this book.

I don't even know where to start. Was this book good? No, not really. Did I enjoy it? Yeah, maybe, but honestly I don't know how to feel. Let's start with the good and move on to the bad parts of this fine piece of literature.
I liked Merinus' personality when she wasn't in the "frenzy" like she was actually quite likable and funny.

"Do you know I'm a virgin? Seriously, virgins shouldn't be this turned on. It has to be bad for their health or something. We're an endangered species, ya know?"

As for Callan- go off king give us nothing, idk for some reason he irks me. I liked him but he just wasn't anything special. So Callan has part lion's DNA and his last name is Lyons- straight to jail.

I feel kinda bad for Merinus and Callan because for the rest of their lives they will always be horny. And the only exceptions are when they finish having sex and when she's pregnant (and even then it will just lessen).
I realize that this is erotica and maybe we don't have time for female friendships with all the sex going on but I thought Sherra would at least be an ally of sorts for Merinus. So why the fuck was this part added to the book?

"Vaginal sample." Sherra moved towards her.
"Try it and I'll kill you," Merinus gasped. "Leave my damned pussy alone. It has enough problems right now."
But she didn't fight when the swab eased quickly past the leg of her shorts and swiped through the juices at her vaginal entrance.

what. whaaaaat. WHAAAAAAAT. What the actual fuck.
Basically, they had to take samples from Merinus and test her because this is the first time they can document the "mating frenzy". But mind you Merinus was drunk when this happened. I mean that has to be some kind of assault, right?
This wasn't the first time they did tests on Merinus and she got uncomfortable. Sherra herself has been tested against her will before, and she goes ahead and does this to Merinus. Again, what the fuck.
So you must think that it was absolutely necessary for Sherra to swab Merinus without her permission- and that's where you're WRONG.
This was the second or third time they swabbed her vag so they already had her sample. If I wanted to read Sherra's book this would make me hate her, anything good about Sherra's character was ruined by that one line.
I was actually so shocked that Sherra took that sample from Merinus after she pretty much said "get tf away from me", part of me only wanted to keep reading if it was ever mentioned again.
I forgot to mention that not only was Merinus drunk during that scene but she was just chillin' in the living room, so they weren't even in the lab, and Sherra went out of her way to go to the lab to go get the swabbing thingy. (And that was after she acknowledged that Marinus was in fact drunk.)
How the character's so freely talked about Merinus being in heat or her and Callan having to mate, in front of the family made me so uncomfortable. Maybe it's easier for Callan and his siblings because they all have part animal DNA but when Sherra said that Callan had to "reassert his claim" on Merinus in front of her father and brothers, I fucking gagged.
The smut scenes were really good, if you complain about the language used in this book or how many times they had sex, what did you expect? It's literally about Callan and Merinus going nuts and having to mate all the fucking time or they start to die. The amount of times Merinus' "womb contracted"... jesus... I'm surprised she survived.

I liked that Merinus didn't easily submit to Callan even though she couldn't control her body.