A review by bookwormishme
Christmas in Aspen by Anita Hughes


What a glorious place to spend Christmas and New Year’s! Christmas in Aspen sounds like the most romantic and cozy place to have a perfect holiday. At least the way that Anita Hughes writes it.

Caroline is a book editor in New York City. She recently lost her mom to cancer and hasn’t really been able to move forward since her death. Her boss is giving her grief, as Caroline hasn’t had a successful book for a while. Caroline knows she’s unhappy, and feels stuck in the mud, but she simply cannot seem to move forward.

When Caroline heads up to the family cabin for Christmas, she finds a surprising letter in the mail. Unsigned, it is from a man that Anne, her mother, spent time with the summer before Anne passed away. The letter says that he will be waiting for her in Aspen on New Year’s Day. On a whim, Caroline books a flight to Aspen to meet the mystery man.

Once in Aspen, Caroline meets a very good looking man at the hotel bar. He’s a local and convinces Caroline to share dinner. While she’s in no mood for romance, he is good looking and fun to be with.

Caroline’s sister Daphne and her fiancé Luke show up in Aspen, deciding that they couldn’t be apart for the holidays so soon after the death of their mother. It all seems like a perfect week to be. But perfect doesn’t always happen. Luke & Daphne start arguing. Caroline finds herself falling for Max, which is definitely not in the plans.

How will this happy little romance story end up? Of course, it is Christmas. Magical things happen during the holidays.

Great holiday read as always from Anita Hughes. An amazing setting on the streets of Aspen, with a fabulous little story about moving forward and taking chances. Must read for the holidays.