A review by lovewitch
Banished by Liz de Jager


i really didn't expect to love this but i did *if the sequels were also sold for 1 euro, i would have gotten them.i didn't care enought for them to spend 9euros for each book*.shit reminds me so much of Mortal Instruments/Dark Artifices.Blackharts here,Blackthorns there,fae here,fae there.i mean yeah YA books are all the same shit but these two are just really similar *probably why i loved this*.what i loved were these tiny paragraphs that were in the start of almost every chapter.they gave u some info about the supernatural world and shit *if u show or read anything like Vampire Diaries or TMI u will know the info that she provides but it's still interesting & fun*.
it's not a masterpiece,it's another YA book,but if u find it on sale you should buy it.it's entertaining