A review by tinaanderson
Wonder Woman: The Challenge of Artemis by John Costanza, William Messner-Loebs, Patricia Mulvihill, Mike Deodato Jr.


This collection contains Wonder Woman issues #94-100--right before Byrne happened. (>.>) Sorry, if you're a fan of Byrne, I apologize--but I am not. So, why 3 stars?

Overall, it's an "ok" read. I was never keen on the whole Boston Mafia thing, or Wonder Woman's new outfit and job, but I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction between Artemis and Diana; I loved how Artemis realized that donning the suit also means you need to have a inkling of compassion, because dealing with humanity isn't always black and white--it's a constant walk through gray areas.

I liked seeing Joker show up to start trouble [though I feel WML as a writer, just don’t do Joker justice]. Also, the White Magician was just too shallow of a villain here--his build up was minimal and his power at the end just seemed to unreal--even for a superhero story. The end was sad, knowing full well that Artemis was honorable all along, and Diana--feeling dishonored because of Artemis's sacrifice.

The writing being uneven with high and low points, didn't help the book overall because of the exploitive artwork. How can anyone take Diana seriously in a mini-bustier, and Artemis doesn't need a thong to be strong. Sometimes you can stomach the art if the story has some depth, but not even the script kept me from getting annoyed at the cheesecake.

This book has an unofficial sequel of 6 individual issues never collected in paperback from by DC - it's called 'Artemis: Requiem'. Again cool stories, if you can take the oversexed artwork.