A review by bryckklovesbooks
War by Laura Thalassa


War & Miriam: Their Growth and Love Story Was Nothing Short of Amazing! -5 Stars!

Book Two brings War to center stage as he awakens to perform his duties on Earth to rid the world of humankind. While traveling from town to town on his path of destruction, he discovers a brave young woman named Miriam who tries to end him. Before he can smite her, he notices a mark in her neck that stops him dead in his tracks. He then shields his sword and calls her “Wife”. Apparently, War believes Miriam is a gift from God to him.

I read Book One, PESTILENCE and didn’t really care for it. I thought Pestilence was overly cruel to the heroine and his treatment of her was barbaric. I was afraid of more of the same when this book surfaced in my TBR pile. WAR was the complete opposite for me. I’m happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised! I LOVED the interaction between War and Miriam and found myself laughing out loud at their comedic interactions. What I loved about Miriam is that she never gave up trying to stop War, even though she was very attracted to and had strong feelings for him. She wasn’t afraid to defy him and my heart lurched as she suffered through the devastation War created. I felt her conflict. What I loved about War is that he slowly yielded to Miriam and his acts of kindness for Miriam made him quite a redeemable in my eyes towards to end of the book.

I didn’t give PESTILENCE a very good earning but this book was worthy of all five stars! I couldn’t put it down! The religious aspect was there but it didn’t feel like a sermon the way it had in book one. There was the right amount of smexy stuff and War didn’t wait until half the book was over to be smitten. It was Instalove for him and I’m here for it! An enjoyable read that was expertly crafted and well done! I highly recommend.

Happy reading!