A review by eantoinette285
Yours to Bare by Jessica Hawkins


I am completely obsessed with this book and I swooned over the intrigue of these characters, even if I didn't always like them. Well... her.

Let's get real, I was an absolute goner for Finn the minute I met his artistic and tormented soul. I identified with his situation and his desire to start over in his thirties and find the true passion in his life. I loved how he loved Halston... first, for her words, and then for everything she is... even if I didn't always understand or trust her myself.

What happened to Halston Fox is heartbreaking, I get that completely, but how she was handled by those who cared for her after said traumatic event molded her into this... quirky and depressed being I couldn't always get on board with.

I wanted to support her and I wanted her to find her inner peace and happiness, but I knew everything she was doing thus far was destructive or distracting in some way. I didn't want Finn to fall into her messy web. I became a bit protective of him.

While this story didn't end with the flowery perfection of most romance novels, I think I appreciated it more for how it did end. It was gritty and real and left me with a feeling of promise for a blissful future. I believe in Finn and Halston forever!