A review by thebacklistborrower
The Essential Dykes to Watch Out for by Alison Bechdel


I devoured this book. There is a broad cast of characters so there is somebody for everybody to love, but if you're like me, you'll love (or love-to-hate) them all. The first comic in this book is from 1987, and the last is in 2008, just before the American election. Reading this book, therefore, is an inside view on LGBT lives & issues as those lifestyles became more mainstream (in some cases, to the despair of the characters themselves), although the challenges of those in the LGBT community are, of course, still discussed.

Bechdel provides a whole cast of characters for whom their sexuality and gender are integral to their being, but do not define it, and for whom the exploration of their gender and sexuality is not played for a laugh or reaction. These characters explore polyamory, are lesbians who end up dating men, include drag kings and transitioning youth, lesbian parenthood, and just plain-old-normal relationship challenges that everybody face, whether poly, gay, or hetero.

These characters absorbed into my brain, and I couldn't stop inserting myself into their lives. I'm eager to find another anthology now!