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A review by maraya21
Poison City by Paul Crilley


🐕 They shut up & took my monies. Now, time to get read! Roped in the MacHalos as well cause I can and also if there's anyone who likes mean drunks & violence it's definitely not us 🐕

4.5 Stars

Sitting here is a morning routine. Waiting while I try to slip into character. While I remember what it’s like to be me.
Sometimes it takes me five minutes, sometimes twenty.
Everyone wears a mask. To fit in. To hide the real person inside. Because, let’s face it. If we didn’t have masks, if we all saw who we really were beneath the facade, beneath society’s norms, and lies we tell ourselves, the human race would be extinct. We’d be too scared to leave the house.


Finally getting around to reviewing this! Go ahead and laugh, I'll wait.
Done? Good, good. Now:

I had never read anything solely pertaining to South African culture and that fact scared me a little before starting this. I had questions knocking around in my skull, questions like:

"What if I don't understand it?"

"I wonder how much research will I have to do for this?"

"Will it feel alien to me in a good way? Goddess I hope it does."

"I wonder if we have an donuts in the kitchen. Hmmm.."

"I should probably sleep for a bit and soon."

"Food? Food!"

But my fear was unwarranted because this? This was FUCKING awesome!

A morally immoral cop that owned every Grey Spot on the planet and a bastard asshole of a talking Dog. What a pair!

The first thing the dog does when I walk through the door is sniff the air and say, ‘You forgot the sherry, dipshit.’
He stares at me, the colour of his eyes shifting between jaundiced yellow and soul-of-a-serial-killer black. He knows I hate that. It’s his lazy-ass way of saying, ‘You open that mouth it better be to say: Sorry, dog. I’ll get right on it, dog.’


What more do you want, huh? The correct answer is "Pineapples & Nothing".

Not to detract from the Awesome Duo but the Boss was also great. Like Daymn. 10/10 would've loved to have her as my boss!

The story was great, polished with a great narrative. Could have been a bit more vivid but still pretty good!

Ouuuu can't wait to see where this will go! *marching off to Bk #2*

I pour the entire bottle of sherry into the dog’s huge bowl.
‘So how was your day?’ I ask.
‘Epic. I watched movies and licked my balls. You?’
‘A ramanga was murdered out in the boondocks. Been out there all day cooking in the heat.'
‘Lovely. Now we’re all caught up, let’s have some silence. I need to drink.’


Pre- Review Thingy:
I have two friends in my life. The first is my boss, [...]

The second is the dog, my magical spirit guide. He talks. He watches TV all day. He's an alcoholic. And he's a mean drunk.