A review by librinania
How to Fight by Thích Nhất Hạnh


it's good but just the so-so good for me.

first, i don't know this book was part of mindfulness series that consist of 8 books and i choose this spesific one out of nowhere. maybe after i got a recs from instagram, which actually, i think, less or not much relevan to me because i'm jot that frequently 'angry'. yes, how to fight is talking mostly about how to fight emotion, specifically anger.

the thing about this one is, sometimes i found catchy phrases that 'kickin' (i really feel it kickin since it got me an oh moment) and i took notes about that,

but, (yes the but)

for more pages i feel it repetitive, or have no clear conclusion.

i almost dnf this book and for a thin book intended to be finished in a day, to be finally finish it in a week is a 'yea' sign for me.