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A review by chicca_d
Wicca: Una guida insostituibile per i Wiccan di entrambi i sessi che desiderano addentrarsi nei rituali di questa religione affascinante e misteriosa by Scott Cunningham
IT | Un libro certamente datato che non dice nulla di nuovo a chi conosce già il tema, ma ha un valore storico importante soprattutto per chi è convintə che nella Wicca non debba esserci gatekeeping, presunzione e comportamenti escludenti. Cunningham aveva a cuore la pratica e ci teneva che fosse accessibile a tuttə. È doloroso pensare a tutto quello che avrebbe potuto dirci se avesse vissuto più a lungo. Sono sicura che la sua idea di Wicca si sarebbe arricchita e allargata ancor di più.
EN | A certainly dated book that says nothing new to those who already know the topic, but it has an important historical value especially for those who are convinced that in Wicca there should be no gatekeeping, no presumption and no exclusionary behaviors. Cunningham cared about the practice and wanted it to be accessible to all. It's heartbreaking to think of everything he could have told us if he had lived longer. I am sure that his idea of Wicca would have been enriched and broadened even more.
EN | A certainly dated book that says nothing new to those who already know the topic, but it has an important historical value especially for those who are convinced that in Wicca there should be no gatekeeping, no presumption and no exclusionary behaviors. Cunningham cared about the practice and wanted it to be accessible to all. It's heartbreaking to think of everything he could have told us if he had lived longer. I am sure that his idea of Wicca would have been enriched and broadened even more.