A review by michael_benavidez
The Dark Tower by Stephen King


Before I go onto the review, let me say this. Yes, this book has small flaws, and I should take away a star for it. No, I will not take away the star because I feel the goods heavily outweigh the flaws.
Also, this will be in two parts. Review of the book and review of the series. Well, not a review but more like my thoughts on how they hold together.

The final chapter in the tale of Roland and his ka-tet, and as such it needs to have the weight that this could end badly. King does everything right, he fixes all the loose ends that the last few books opened up, he brings the group together and back into Mid-World/End-World.
It feels like a game of chess, he has all of the characters set up, fully grown into the best that they are (which is how it should because this wasn't a series based on plots, but on the characters and how they grow) and on the other side stands the Dark Tower whose moves are unknown. They act out the final moments, every character acting as they should, and they begin to feel the end of their journey coming. And when each end comes, it shatters every emotion. That's where this book excels, the emotions that come with it. 7 books (8 with Wind Through The Keyhole) of traveling with these people, seeing them change and become as one, and they are at the end which I will not dare spoil. Only that each ending (as frustrating as they may be) is done as they are. It's not what we want, it's not perfect, but it is the RIGHT way.

The bad is that King developed a habit of narrating in the way that he lets us know of the ends coming. Instead of making the ends a more surprising manner, and still keeping with the heavy emotion tied to each one, he brought the emotion by giving very heavy hints of what was about to happen. Just a personal thing, it bugged me.
Also, there were several main villains through the series, and the solution to them came off as a bit of a letdown. Again, it wasn't perfect, but it was right. But it was a bit anti-climatic to have things go in that direction when they've been hinted at and full on confronted with in the past books.

As a whole, this series is a great way to see King's evolution in writing. Not every book is fantastic, some hold up better than others, but they are still great books. The direction always seems to be a bit of a turn here and there, as though there was no idea where it was headed, but this does help in allowing the characters room to breathe. A very wonderful set of books that die-hard King fans must read, and for those who enjoy something that doesn't limit itself to one genre. Or style of writing for that matter.