A review by hessionsreadingworld
A State of Decay: Your Dental Guide to Understanding and Treating Meth Mouth by Ronni Brown DDS MPH


Popsugar 2020: A book by a WOC.


Interested in nonfiction books? Interested in understanding more about addiction? Want to know more about what "meth" does to your mouth? Look no further than A State of Decay: Your Dental Guide to Understanding and Treating "Meth Mouth."

I received and read this book as an Kindle eBook. I will be honest- this is not my typical go to for my TBR pile. However, I have been enjoying more nonfiction lately, and as a Principal, I wanted to learn more about Meth mouth.

According to her about me on Amazon.com, "Dr. Ronni Brown is a dentist, researcher, speaker and author who bridges the gap between dentistry, public health and substance abuse. Her work treating patients with "meth mouth" at a medium-security jail, research on the oral effects of methamphetamine, and courses at the world's top dental conferences positions her as a leading expert on "meth mouth"." Dr. Brown writes from her unique experience working her dental practice at a jail. Her experiences in the late '90s contributed greatly to her research and current expertise in "meth mouth."

This book is targeted to the dental community. It is written as a dental guide and the audience is the dental community. That being said, there are several take-aways for the non-targeted audience. I have heard of meth mouth and I have watched the popular TV show "Breaking Bad" which shed light into the meth world. This book includes pictures, statistics, and real anecdotes from patients. The first part of the book is focused on making sure the reader understands what addiction is, as well as provides an explanation of what methamphetamine is and how it affects the mouth. The second part of the book is focused on training the dental community in how to improve their patient history forms, as well as how to have the tough conversations with patients who may suffer from substance abuse. The final part of the book is focused on how to treat meth mouth and how to stay true to the ethics and code of the dental profession.

Disclaimer- I have never done drugs or had an addiction problem, unless you count my addiction to Mountain Dew. I have had many conversations with my dentist and well meaning acquaintances who have told me that I need to lay off Mountain Dew because it will ruin my teeth. I currently have over a dozen cavities and still can't lay off the "sauce." I can definitely understand and relate to the anonymous patient anecdotes about the addiction and not realizing what it can do to their mouth. I struggled to read the book at first because I couldn't look at the meth mouth pictures. I went so far as to google it and was greeted with even more disturbing pictures. I think this book, though geared to the dental community, is a great resource to have for the community and schools to show the effects Methamphetamine usage will have on your oral health. Reading this made me double down on my convictions to never do drugs, and has me brushing my teeth more and I sincerely hope will help me re-evaluate my soda and sugar diet that will wreak havoc on my teeth.

I do recommend this book if you are into nonfiction, want to learn more about the side effects of meth, are in the dental field, or work in profession that interacts with the community. There is a meth epidemic raging in the United States and the more we know about this epidemic, the more we can do as citizens to stop it.

Happy Reading,

