A review by hessionsreadingworld
Power of One: What Ignites Your Inner Fire! by Devpal Gupta


Are you looking for motivation? Are you looking for answers on how to achieve your dreams? Then Power of One: What Ignites Your Inner Fire! by Deval Gupta is for you. This short novel is part motivational/self-help book, and part memoir. The jist- you are the power of one and you are who will accomplish your dreams.

Deval Gupta does not have a bio on Goodreads, or a website for his book at the time I am writing. What I do know about him, I know from the book. He grew up in India, enjoyed playing Cricket, went to University in the States for Sociology, works in Real Estate, and is so driven that he only gets a few hours of sleep a night. This man believes in the Power of One and gives multiple anecdotes in his book on how you too can achieve the Power of One.

I was not expecting to like this book. I am personally reach for thrillers and fantasy novels when I am in a reading mood, but once I started reading this in earnest, I didn't stop until I finished. I can relate to a lot of what Gupta writes in his book- The hard, relentless work ethic of the 1% (you) is what makes things happen. If you succeed or fail, you are responsible. As an educator, I particularly liked his frequent mention of mindset. If you believe in yourself and put forth the proper amount of effort and elbow-grease, you can achieve your dreams. Gupta writes a lot about his personal experiences in this novel, and how his childhood, and specifically his parents, helped to shape him. I too was taught at a young age that "effort equals results" and "you only have yourself to blame." Gupta's mantra is the mantra I grew up with as well, and I know that I can be counted in Gupta's 1%.

One of the other main reasons I enjoyed this book was because Gupta promoted "old fashioned" ideals and values. In addition to hard work, he talks about trust; specifically taking someone's word. I believe that in our current society, trust based on someone's word is anachronistic. Yet, I still hold myself and my character to letting my yes be yes, and my no meaning no. I am a person of my word and so is Gupta. He frequently brings this up in his book and explains how being the Power of One demands that you are a person to be trusted and how walking that line is important.

I highly recommend this book. It is a quick read, but truly insightful. There are a lot of concepts that people will brush off as obvious, but if it was so obvious and so easy, why is it the 1% and not the 99%? You will have to read to find out.

Happy Reading!

