A review by remlezar
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf


I initially picked this book up because Meg Wolitzer named it as a major influence on her and her writing, and I hadn't read anything by Woolf since Mrs. Dalloway in college.

To be honest, despite the book's short length, I had one false start with it, and even this time when I did manage to get through it, I was crawling the whole way.

It's brilliant, but densely loaded with details, and written in an almost stream of consciousness style that reminded me a bit of some Cormac McCarthy novels. In many of my sittings I might only get through five or so pages because I'd want to read so slowly and reread to catch details I missed or misunderstood.

Hopefully it goes without saying that it was 100% worth the effort. It's subtle, smart, loaded with incredible characterization, and absolutely heartbreaking. The first chapter after the large time jump left me breathless.

A few random thoughts:

1. Probably lots of people wouldn't struggle through this like I did, but hey, I'm kind of a dumbass. So if you pick this up and it's an easy read for you, feel free to roll your eyes in my direction. Won't hurt my feelings.

2. This is a book that I will almost certainly revisit again and again. It's the kind of story with so much texture I'm positive a reread would be a fulfilling experience.

3. I can one completely see the influence on Wolitzer's writing. Very neat.