A review by teamredmon
The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories, Vol. 1 by Ryan Cagle, James D. Jenkins


The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories is an anthology of translated horror from around the world. Valancourt Press now revives old classic horror AND collects and translates some of the best indie horror from around the world. I'm thankful to Valancourt for sending me this book for a #nightwormsbookparty and giving me the opportunity to read these international horror stories.

I decided to read this anthology over a period of several weeks instead of back to back. I would pick up the book, read a story, and set it down for a while. I believe that this greatly increased my overall enjoyment of the collection. Like any anthology, I liked some stories better than others but there were quite a few standouts for me.

SeƱor Ligotti by Bernardo Esquinca (Mexico)
The Bones in Her Eyes by Christien Boomsma (Netherlands)
All the Birds by Yvette Tan (Philippines)
Mechanisms by Elisenda Solsona (Catalonia)
The Time Remaining by Attila Veres (Hungary)

There is truly something for every fan of horror in this book. No matter the type of horror you love most, you will find something to enjoy in the pages of this excellent anthology.