A review by wingedcreature
True Vines by Diana Strinati Baur


When I started reading True Vines, I thought it was okay. By the end, I totally loved it, and even started crying at one point!

I loved seeing Meryl grieve and realize that Italy will always be a part of her. I liked seeing her life in Italy, her life before moving and picking up the pieces back in the U.S. The characters, especially Meryl, were so interesting and full of life, and I couldn't wait to see how their stories would unfold. Speaking of stories unfolding, I really liked how Baur wove the different stories together. Initially, I wasn't sure about Meryl's time in the U.S., in past and present time, with her life in Italy. But it really came together in the end, and I can't imagine True Vines being told any other way.

There really is an interesting cast of characters, and I really liked seeing how they were really important in Meryl's journey. There's something really heart-warming about True Vines, and after reading it, I totally want to go to Italy...and maybe just do some general traveling. I know romance wasn't a big element of the book, but I didn't find either one particularly compelling and I didn't feel like there was a big connection between Meryl and her husband or her boss at the coffee place.

There's so much going on in True Vines, and I loved how Baur handled everything. Something about True Vines rang true and felt so real and authentic. I think it'll stay with me for quite some time, and the progress Meryl made was so dang touching by the end. Seriously, I shed quite a few tears. It was super-touching.

Final Thoughts: I absolutely loved True Vines and Meryl's journey. There's an interesting assortment of characters, and Italy is such a great setting. True Vines gets 5 stars.