A review by geo_ix
Desperate Duchesses by Eloisa James


Personally, when it comes to POV's I like only the hero and heroine, maybe a scene or two with someone else to explain something, but this was constantly changing. I didn't actually read the synopsis before reading because I previously read the first book in the spin off of this series and was like shit I'm going back to the start, so in the beginning I assumed Villers was the hero of this book and couldn't figure out why because he's a wanker, and I couldn't get over the number of times to mentioned they were RELATED... I mean sure, they're fourth cousins I wouldn't even say 'oh were cousins' they're just another person, but they kept calling each other cousin and stuff and it really weirded me out.

The slow burn up to that sex scene at like 80-83% had me so red in the face I had to stop reading, and then I realised it was 2am and finished the rest of it because I needed to know what happened before I could sleep, so now it's 3am and I'm glad I read it. Personally not a fan of the time period because of the wigs and powder, and the bloody mindset of the people (legit said Damon was a bad person because he was raising his bastard child and didn't send him to the country to be raised by someone else. Lol. And everyone's views on children in this killed me. Even Roberta got on my nerves about it. She was legit disgusted by everything he did until she started boning his dad. Personally I thought he was adorable, but I guess it's the times. I wish there had have been a moment that was more 'oh I love this kid too' but there wasn't which made me sad but with how everyone talks about kids in this it also kind of made sense because they really just seem to hate kids lol