A review by topdragon
Frozen Heat by Richard Castle


Back when I read the first Nikki Heat novel, [b:Heat Wave|6566722|Heat Wave (Nikki Heat, #1)|Richard Castle|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1257521812s/6566722.jpg|6759670], I went in to it with more than just a little bit of apprehension. How could a mystery/crime novel based on a TV show, written by a ghost writer be anything but laughable? Kudos to the marketing imagination behind it, but come on...

Now, four books later, I am a firm follower of Detective Nikki Heat, Rook, and the gang down at the 20th precinct. These books are police procedurals and seem to get better with each one. I don't know if each book is written by the same author or if a different person writes each one...but I wish I knew for sure who it was so I could look up their other work.

Yes, the similarities to the TV show, Castle, are endless, and I suppose it helps to be a fan of that show. But I think they stand on their own very nicely and are very enjoyable reads. I like the continuity between books and this one, in particular, beautifully sets us up for the next. My wife and I both watch the show and so these novels are among those that we read aloud to each other. Perhaps because we invest the time in them in this way (over a month to get through each one at only 20-25 pages per night, two to three nights per week), they become part of us in a way that other novels do not. Can't say for sure but we are both anxiously awaiting book #5 soon.