A review by crofteereader
They Never Learn by Layne Fargo


MORE POSITIVE REPRESENTATION OF QUEER WOMEN IN THRILLERS PLEASE!(Yes, I realize this is a three star review but that part really is the most important)

Unfortunately, the "big reveal" came way too early and we spent the rest of the book kind of delaying the inevitable. Nothing was as big as the one moment at 50% where I went WAIT WHAT (even though I probably should have seen it coming) and it left the rest of the book (even wholesome queer women!!) kind of in the dust. In the beginning I liked Scarlett's sections but then it switched to Carly's sections. They couldn't both be interesting at the same time apparently.

I loved the concept but with everything in Scarlett's story peaking at 50% and everything in Carly's story pretty much STARTING at 50% it left the pacing jagged. At least the chapters were short. And I loved the way Scarlett's sections always started out with a statement about men getting what they deserve or dying or something. That was a clever little addition. But, again, with so much nonsense drama between illicit affairs among the professors / students / teaching assistants was just so much distraction.

{Thank you Gallery Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy; all thoughts are my own}