A review by necessaryfictions
The Bully from the Black Lagoon by Mike Thaler


mixed feelings... i think the art shines the most of this book. i love the style and the little off-panel jokes and doodles. every page has great and fun details! it seems like a fun challenge to see which of the speech bubbles i should speak aloud if a kid chose this to be read at story time.

i say chose because i feel it is unlikely that this is one i would readily offer, but the books are already in the collection. i might just be weary of bully stories like this. the long list of ways butch might hurt the other students was creative but idk i wasn't feeling all of them - especially the page about butch doing time in prison. i figured this would be a story pushing against making assumptions, but the ending could have used a few more pages of butch doing something to shatter those pre-conceived notions as well i think