A review by tinaanderson
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity by Matt Wagner


Not always a big fan of 'retcon' mini series’; but I can appreciate them. You have Bats and Supes meeting Diana for the first time. It's cool stuff if you're a fan of DCU’s big three; my only beef is, of course, the ‘foe’ choices. The device in the story in regard to the villains seems to be: let’s bring in three 'memorable' characters from each of the trio's past stories. Why Artemis was chosen, I have no clue. Why she was made an angry teen...NO CLUE. I'm still scratching my head as to why Ra's al Ghul needed Bizarro? If you're a die-hard DCU reader--you can probably skip this book; but if you love the big-three, it's a must have.

What shines about this book is the mythology that the artwork and the books design have brought to DC. Many of the grand and heroic themes we're inundated with today, on the animated series' for Justice League, are served up here by the clever artwork made for this book by Wagner. The covers, the sketches, the poses…it’s what DC Comics superheroes are all about. In summary, it's a handsome series design, and a nostalgic take on 'how Wonder Woman' met Batman and Superman. ^_^.