A review by bookswithjax
The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene


Alright I adored Nancy Drew as a little girl. I think I started reading them at about 8 yrs old. So this year when someone suggested a Nancy Drew read-along I jumped all in!!

Fair warning I’m reading the original 1930’s editions (because that’s what I have), so mine will be different from many others who read these.

First of all these are not PC (queue shocked face)! This book is highly derogatory to African Americans and in 2020 it’s hard to read. I’m taking it within the context of the time it was written but it’s awful in parts and cringe!!

Secondly Nancy is a really REALLY presumptuous and privileged little **** haha. Honestly this book felt like a WIP versus a completed version of the story. She’s lucky she’s not dead and her dad is all ehhh you’re okay so no harm done. *mind blown*

All in all I give it three stars for nostalgia but I’m ready to move on to the next books in the series.