A review by aimeesbookishlife
Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard


I'm struggling to get my thoughts together enough to write a review of this book. It was really well-written and I enjoyed it, but my brain just can't seem to find the right words to explain why. So this review might be a random collection of thoughts, sorry.

I thought the representation of the issues it covers - including mental health issues and child abuse - was done in a really sensitive way. There was no glamourising, and various characters gently mock clichéd aphorisms like 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' and 'in every life there'll be some rain'. Another thing I really liked was that we had a character struggling with undiagnosed mental ill health - Suzanne - and another, Tarin, who was on the other side of the scale, her bipolar disorder being pretty well-managed. This meant the author was able to use Tarin's voice to explain mental illness and to show that it does get better (in Tarin's case,with medication and counselling), which is something that's often lacking in YA books about mental health issues.

The friendship between the three girls was really brilliant to see. It felt so realistic, imperfect but so supportive. Even when they were arguing and getting things wrong, it came from a good place and the love they had for each other was so obvious.
There's a great quote that really spoke to me, reminding me of my three best friends and former housemates: "Nothing strengthens a friendship like an argument survived".

There were a few things that bugged me, like some of Rosie's comments about Suzanne were bordering on slut-shaming and these weren't called out. Suzanne's behaviour was self-destructive and not at all positive, but I would have liked it if the book had made it clearer that Rosie was criticising Suzanne's particular situation and not promiscuity in general.
I also wanted to see a bit more of Caddy's school friends as they got a pretty raw deal, basically being sidelined as 'the people Caddy speaks to when Rosie and Suzanne aren't around'.