A review by burntotears
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley


Oh god, my first 5 star of the year, it's so beautiful, I am dying on the inside and the outside. I honestly feel like I have to start this all over again right away, that's how much I loved it. And it isn't because I didn't predict what was happening (because I did, about like 40% of the way through or so), but because it was so well written and probably the best, slowest of slow burns (but also NOT a slow burn?) and this cool scifi concept with a lovely historical backdrop.

Truthfully, I just need to shove my face into a pillow and scream for a few hours because fuuuuuuuuck I loved this so much. This gives me the same feeling that The Starless Sea did when I finished it. Just that amazing wonderlust where you're always on the edge of your seat expecting the worst but good things happen even though bad things do too. 

I am off to read all of Natasha Pulley's books immediately.