A review by axi_on
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson


this was an AMAZING wrap up to the series and I enjoyed every moment of it. the reveals
Spoilerthe koloss?? the kandra?? vin's earring??
were so well done and perfectly tied the series up in a way that matched all the foreshadowing. the characters were lovable, and the magic system is unique and extremely enjoyable. it was so rewarding seeing how these characters' journeys ended, and specifically how they were able to let go of their self imposed roles and embrace themselves fully

ok now i'm just going to be obnoxious for a little don't bother continuing

I truly wish I read mistborn before stormlight bc I think I would've liked mistborn a lot more. I know it's not fair to compare them just bc brando sando wrote them both, but as much as I think this book was amazingly done a mistborn 5 stars just doesn't feel like a stormlight 5 stars. I think this book was definitely the best in the series and extremely well done
SpoilerI mean sazed using the keeper's stored knowledge to be a freaking god? spook getting out of ruin's grasp and going HAM? vin and elend death hitting perfectly?
but it just didn't impact me emotionally like my other 5 stars have. i'm so torn on rating on book quality vs pure enjoyment idk what i'm doing