A review by bethanyangharads
Privateers by Charlie Newton

Did not finish book.
Thank you to Girl Friday Productions and Charlie Newton for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are not biased in any way :)

Before I start this review I want to be clear and say that "it's not you, it's me". I don' think that there is necessarily anything wrong with this novel, I just don't think it's quite for me. U.S. Marines stole $26million in gold during WW1 and we follow three strong women who go on a treasure hunt for the long lost gold. I got to page 70 before I DNF'd and we still hadn't started the treasure hunt. The 70 pages I did read are the lead up to the main event, shrouded in politics. As someone who picked this up wanting to be swept away from the very get go in treasure hunting, and also someone who isn't very interested in politics, this didn't appeal to me. Another barrier for me was the writing style, which for whatever reason (sorry I can't figure out why?!) it just didn't allow me to get fully absorbed.

So like I said, I don't think this is a bad book, just not what I expected and so not my cup of tea. If you are more interested in political purpose then this might appeal to you more!