A review by mollyreadsandcrafts
The Reckoning by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti


This took me forever to get through but  just because I was doing audiobook only and I've read it before - I'm only halfway through book 7 so no one spoil stuff. 

I like that we are getting more and more of the other characters personalities - including the Heirs. You can't say they aren't loyal to each other. I like seeing little glimpses of Seth's silly personality, Max's empathetic side, and Caleb's logical thought processes. It's also cool learning more about the Zodiac world and what's happening in the bigger picture with the nymphs and other evil. 

Darcy and Orion are my favorites and I’m loving reading about their romance all over again. On the other hand I have to read all about Tory and Darius and their frustratingly tragic romance all over again, and it’s a bit like watching a car crash in slow-motion knowing a little of what happens next. I won't lie, I tend to fast forward a bit through the Caleb and Tory scenes because who are we kidding, I know how that turns out and I'm not invested in the least. I can't wait for a certain other Caleb romance to be teased, though I know I have thousands of pages before anything fun happens with that. 

Since I've read it before, I knew about their order. But it's really fun rereading and seeing all the little Easter eggs that hint at their order and how they charge their magic. I do like watching how Darcy and Tory are coming into their power and fae way of life. 

As always, these books are just a tad too long the characters are fun and the story is interesting.

Read if you like: 
• fantasy saga                                 
• forbidden romance             
• enemies to lovers                
