A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Death on the Menu by Lucy Burdette


Death on the Menu by Lucy Burdette is A Key West Food Critic Mystery. Hayley Snow is helping her mother cater a three-day event at the Harry Truman Little White House in Key West, Florida. Catering the Cuban/American conference is a coup for her fledgling business. Nathan Bransford, Hayley’s boyfriend, would prefer if Hayley bowed out since it is a controversial event and protestors will be present. On the first day of the event, Hemingway’s Nobel prize gold medal for Old Man and the Sea on loan from Cuba disappears. It is the first time the medal has ever left Cuba and the Cuban delegates are outraged. Despite searches of the house and staff, they are unable to locate it. That night as the flan is being served, Gabriel is found stabbed to death in the kitchen closet. Gabriel’s family asks Hayley to investigate his death and get justice for the family by finding his killer. Despite Nathan’s objections, Hayley plunges into the case. Miss Gloria and Hayley are worried about the houseboat for sale next to them. The last tenants were party hearty types that continually disturbed the residents of Houseboat Row. Plus, Hayley has articles to write for Key Zest magazine and little time to sample the local Cuban cuisine for her critique. Hayley is in for a busy weekend in Death on the Menu.

Death on the Menu contains good writing and engaging characters. Lucy Burdette does a wonderful job at world building. She includes various shops and sites in Key West. Her descriptions bring the area alive. I do not recommend reading Death on the Menu without having read An Appetite for Murder which will give you an introduction to Hayley, her friends, her job, and the area. I liked the inclusion of Key West history and information about Ernest Hemingway (adds to the world building). There are some lovely cozy moments in the story along with tasty food descriptions. I am a fan of Miss Gloria and I envy the pair living on a houseboat (except when a hurricane is approaching). I like Miss Gloria’s love of sequins (it is cute) and Hayley’s love of high top tennis shoes (I adore my Converse and have them in different colors/prints). While I am not a fan of Nathan, he does do something at the end that puts him a better light. I did feel that Death on the Menu is a slow starter and the pace throughout the book was slow. The mystery was interesting, but I wish it had been more of a challenge to identify the guilty party. I felt that some details were missing from the story (what is the mother’s name and the name of her catering business for example). There are recipes included at the end. They include Cuban roast pork, black bean soup, mojito cake and flan. I thought the ending was sweet, romantic and upbeat. Join Hayley Snow on her latest sleuthing adventure in Death on the Menu.