A review by sedeara
The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind by Michio Kaku


Book Riot Read Harder Challenge Item: A Non-fiction Book About Science

For the first half of this book, I thought it would be a 3-star book. It was a little on the dry and academic side --it seemed clear that Kaku's experience in writing was not necessarily for a general audience -- but the brain science was interesting, and there were a few truly fascinating studies that I'd never come across in similar reading on the subject. I'll never forget the one about how, when left and right brain can no longer communicate with each other, we literally have "two minds" that often do not agree with one another. Fascinating!

However, as the book went on, it kind of just devolved into Kaku rambling about everything that could even be tangentially related to the way the mind works but that just felt like a grab bag of his pet interests. Sure, I'm interested in robots and aliens, too, but I don't really need to hear someone else fanboy over them for pages and pages without the sort of scientific grounding that made the first half of the book compelling.

So yeah, by the end, I was pretty much ready for it to be done.