A review by reading_rainy
Undone by Wendy Higgins


*3.5* So many missed opportunities for a fabulous ending!! Oh well, I still liked the overall series for basic entertaining reading.

You must read this series in order. It’s an alien invasion, apocalyptic, world-changing story. There will be spoilers in my review for book one and two, so I recommend reading those first!

It has a YA feeling to it. Lack of character depth and skimming lightly over details that could have made this series amazing. All the characters are back from book one and two. Chapters have individual POV, so that was nice. However, it ended so abruptly, and the almost "Will Smith, Independence Day" movie ending was silly. And
Spoilerpig latin, really?? That’s how we win over the aliens?

I really wanted more into the relationship between
Spoiler Remy and The Senator/Bahntan. This could have been SO GOOD. It felt like the author skipped over this incredibly confusing relationship because she wasn’t sure how to make it turn out ok. I would have LOVED to have seen Bahntan and Remy fall in love. I understand it’s a bit of a love triangle with Tater, but it felt like it had so much more promise and depth than the other relationships. Bahntan felt for the humans, he had a part of himself that craved to allow his emotions free like humans did. He was also a mass murderer, so there is that.
I actually really liked Remy in this story. She was the annoying friend in the past series, but she really blossomed here. I also liked that the author didn’t make her a badass. She was still Remy, regular human woman, forced to work closely with the aliens that killed her family, friends and a huge chunk of the world population.

The whole thing with the alien mating cycle just felt gimmicky. I can’t imagine a powerful group like this basically allowing themselves to become so vulnerable for a week. They had evolved out of basic pesky emotions why wouldn’t they have just used artificial insemination as well? It just didn’t make sense to me. Also, I loved the kids. I wanted more with the kids!

I found it really interesting that the aliens wanted to make us all one.
Spoiler The aliens destroyed the reproductive organs of most of the women of child-bearing age. They only approved of humans procreating cross race with the ultimate goal of making everyone blended and the same. No unique religions, no unique skin colors, no unique cultures. Everyone would speak the same language, look the same, and all emotions would be “bred” out of us. So eventually, we’d be just like the aliens. Robotic and cold with simmering emotions held tightly together and hidden.

So all in all, this series had some wonderful ideas, but it lacked finesse. It read too much like a group of immature high schoolers trying to save the world. The romances were believable, but I needed more from them. I wished the author would have dug deeper into the ending. How did the rest of the world survive? What has happened with the governments? How is Earth recovering from all the poisoning the aliens did to bodies of water? Animals? Nuclear energy, food production, clothing production? I have so many questions.