A review by chase0w0
Gothic by Philip Fracassi


He sits up, flips over the cover to reveal the name of the book:

By Tyson Parks

He stares at the page for a moment, ignores the chill that runs up his spine, the sick feeling of darkness that floods his mind. He licks his lips, lets out a held breath.

Shitty title, he thinks.

Then he turns the page over, and begins to read.

this was INCREDIBLE. this book invoked the same sense of horrified "what the fuck!" that i last remember feeling while reading [b:Needful Things|1011198|Needful Things|Stephen King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1556477076l/1011198._SY75_.jpg|60965389] at way too young of an age. everyone loves to compare modern horror writers to stephen king, but this is the first author i've read who was actually reminiscent of him.

i will be keeping an eye on philip fracassi from now on. . .

thank you to cemetery dance publications for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review!