A review by the_ya_assassin
The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson


"The Girl of Fire and Thorns" was an okay book. I wouldn't read it again, nor will I add it to my personal library, but it was okay. I liked it enough to continue on with reading it, however, I almost gave up in the first few chapters. It started too quickly and we didn't get a lot of backstory or day-to-day life of Elisa. The world was descriptive and in that case, it was similar to Sarah J. Maas. Besides that, I found little similar between the two books (which was how it was presented as). I liked Elisa as a character (relating to her myself because I was called similar names when I was younger). The main part of her journey was self-esteem, but there was a little self-discovery mixed in as well. In addition, there was a subtle twist of forbidden romance and it was a little brutal.

In summary, I liked the book, however, it is not one of my favorite books and I won't likely read it again. I will continue with the series as of right now.