A review by cgj13
The City by Dean Koontz


It's been such a long time since I read a Dean Koontz book that I can't quite remember if this deviates from his normal MO or not. Over all, it was a great book and kept me interested. I thought it could have used more of scifi aspect to it. And I was left wanting more of that. Other than the light touch of Miss Pearl and the "magical" lucite heart. I really thought there would be something more mysterious behind the dealings of Lucas, Fiona and Tilton. That left me let down and they never really explained the cause.

I am happy to note though that Jonah's dad did not bring him to his demise or I might have thrown my nook across the room. But I guess as I was reading it, I knew it couldn't have happened because we know that the narrator lives to be much older and see many things. I feel like that main theme in here is that even though fate may have something in store for you, You do have the power through your actions to change your destiny.

I love the intergenerational friendship that developed, and that it became a source of comfort and healing to both of them. And the easy friend ship of Jonah and Malcom.

Some great quotes in here:

"The next day was better--magical, one of those days that my friend Malcolm calls a butter-side-up day. Trouble was coming, sure, but it's always coming, and meanwhile it's best to live with a smile."

"the truth is, to this day I still pretty much operate under that assumption. If chaos plagues the world--and it does--and if there's any benign power that wants the world to survive, then stability will be encouraged and rewarded. Maybe not all the time. But most of the time."

"The news isn't all the news...It's just what the reporters want to tell you about...Millions of people are doing nice things for one another, making, sacrifices, mostly small things, but it's all those little kidnesses that hold civilization together..."

"Surrendering to fear destroys many lives. Indulgence in Stubborn anger destroys even more. But guilt, Jonah, is no less a destroyer of lives...Fear can be overcome. You may let go of anger. And guilt can be forgiven."...."You must remember the love you had for the one you lost....Remember that adoration Do not let your feelings of guilt turn her out of your heart. Open your heart to her, and bring her back...Guilt forbids her entrance. Sorrow instead would be a gift to her, a way forward that allows the hope of happiness."

And my favorite:

"One of the many wonders of this world is that, if we allow it to happen, anyone newly met can all but overnight become a central figure in our lives, hardly less essential to us than air and water. Although we've made it a world of hatred and envy and violence, the preponderance of evidence proves to me that it is a world created to inspire friendship and love and kindness."