A review by razreads
Gods Are Fallen And All Safety Gone and A Prayer by Selma Dimitrijevic


Complete review available: Gods Are Fallen and All Safety Gone

Here I am reading yet another play, and in fact another that's quite cyclic in nature. To much better effect, however, I must add. I was fascinated by the idea of seeing the same scene repeated with a different twist on each as a highlight of the unreliability and flexibility of memory. The ending had me in split opinions - I liked getting answers to some of the questions that cropped up through the retellings (what happened with Mark? where did the Dad go? what was going on with the Mum?), but equally it felt like such a change of pace from the other scenes. I personally would have seen it as maybe another repeat with an external character probing for the details as an aside or interruption... My other qualm lies with the crudeness at the beginning of the scene. I get its role in introducing a shock factor and an element of humour, but equally I think it would have been more effective to see the change in attitude and behaviour through a mundane and completely average conversation. Still, as a work overall, I found myself rather enjoying and analysing the piece entirely of my own volition. It's a great, short little work.