A review by jennitarheelreader
The Red Address Book by Sofia Lundberg


4 nostalgic stars!

Oh, this book is quite lovely and nostalgic. Doris is 96 years old and lives alone in Stockholm, Sweden. She’s a bit of a recluse but looks forward to her weekly Skype calls with Jenny, her only relative and grandniece who lives in the United States.

Doris has a special address book she was gifted by her father when she was a child. In it, she has documented the names and addresses of everyone she’s known throughout her life. She crosses out the names when people have passed away.

In looking through her address book, Doris decides help Jenny by illuminating their family’s past and writing about it. Doris has lived a full life. She was a model on Paris runways in the 1930s and was forced to flee to Manhattan at the start of World War II. She also wonders what ever happened to Allan, the love of her life...

Oh, this book. I want to hug it. There is a somber, melancholic tone as Doris reflects on her life, a life full and well-lived. There is also plenty of love and uplifting, too.

I loved Doris and Jenny as if they were members of my own family, as if Doris was telling me the story of my family, and I wish she had been. I only have three living great aunts, whom I adore, and I soak up every word of reflection they give me on my grandparents or my great grandparents. Doris’ story is a treasure. Thanks to the author for telling it.

Thank you to the publisher for the complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

My reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com