A review by hidekisohma
Agents of Light and Darkness by Simon R. Green


I have to say, I had a lot more fun with this one than book 1. There were some pretty cool ideas in here and I liked what was going on. Something funny about this guy is that his books are short. Like...mystery novel short. The entire book is 233 pages, and for an urban fantasy, that's really short. Still though, I feel like it wasn't really rushed and the story it told was the perfect length. Any more and it would have been dragged out. That's the kind of issue that The Dresden files has. To hit that sweet 300ish page count, he adds meandering around that doesn't affect the story at all. This author really just gets to the meat of it, and that's what makes this a good, easy read.
Taylor is far more endearing than Dresden and less annoying and I feel like I could definitely read more of this guy's stories. They have several paralells but I always feel like there's more at stake here with a richer mythology.
I like the idea that Taylor's hired to find the "Unholy Grail" aka, Judas' grail. It's a cool little twist on the holy grail search trope. The main and even the side characters keep being flushed out and work nicely. The only real issue i have with this series is that Green tends to get a little overzealous with the violence sometimes. There were some scenes that i felt were a tad over the top and unneeded. Other than that, there was a red herring weapon introduced into the book which kind of lead...well nowhere and then basically vanished. I was kind of disappointed that didn't play into the ending. Also i kind of expected the "twist" at the end, but it didn't bother me that i saw it coming. Still though, great read and I'm definitely picking up book three. 4/5.