A review by an_adult_ish_bookworm
The Serpent Scenario by A.J. Butcher


I'm just gonna sit over here and cry... *quiet sobbing from the corner*

I don't know how it happens... Every time I start one of these books, I always think that it'll end up being a three-star read and that I won't really like it because I only read this series to see how the plot goes and for a few of the characters. But then, somehow, EVERY TIME, it ends up being a four-star that I actually really liked...

And this book - guys. I almost CRIED. It takes a LOT for me to cry over a book. I went from "eh, some of the characters are really irritating" to "okay, they're all my children and they must be protected". XD

That being said, there were still times where I almost made this a 3.5 star read instead. At times, the book had some editing errors, which kind of takes away from the book for me (I'm major grammar police XD). I realized (or maybe just remembered) that the main characters are 14, and I honestly couldn't picture it. They all act like they're 16-17 and picturing them as 14 is so difficult for me. Also, there is a very violent scene about halfway through that made me cringe and I'm usually okay with violence in books...